You Don’t Need to Know It All to Succeed
Many people think that they need to have all the answers to be successful in any capacity; business wise or in life. While we all require some knowledge, there are some people in the world that have made it without. That is, without qualifications, studying, school or even full expert knowledge of the field they […]
22 Ways to Increase Your Conversions Fast
Getting traffic to your squeeze page, website and sales pages is terrific. But if that traffic doesn’t convert, what good is it doing you? Here are 22 proven strategies to get your visitors to do what you want – whether that’s giving you their email address, sharing your content on social media or buying your […]
The 79 Cent Method to Getting Stuff Done
Do you have trouble completing tasks? Try this… You’ve got a ton of stuff to do to set up your funnel… → create a lead magnet → write squeeze page copy → build a squeeze page → install tracking software → write follow up emails → create an OTO → create an OTO sales page […]
How to (Almost) Guarantee You Make Money in the Internet Marketing Niche
If there was a way to make almost guaranteed money in the make money online, internet marketing niche – would you be interested? The concept is simple – take away the work and offer a ‘done for you’ solution. People want to make money online. They want to create products to sell, create blogs full […]
Boost Sales by Removing the BUY Button?
I know of a/b split tests where making this one simple change increased conversions and it might do the same for you. On things like banners, opt-in forms and sales pages, (you’re going to think I’m crazy) test LEAVING OUT the button. That’s right – don’t use a button. Instead, test it with a blue […]
The difference between a $1,000 a month marketer and a $100,000/month marketer
Not as much as you might think. Both marketers have the same access to the internet. Both have the same access to software, websites, plugins, courses, etc. And both have the same access to writers, graphic artists and techies. So what’s the difference? Why does one earn 100 times more than the other? 3 things… […]
Sneaky Trick Increases Sales on Autopilot
This only takes a few minutes to apply, and it can result in a nice bump in your sales… Here’s how it works: When you create a product download file, put it in zip file, and add a “Read me first” document to it as well. In the “read me first,” place another offer for […]
How to Write a Legitimate Product Review
We’re all familiar with the “reviews” that are actually sales material in disguise. That’s not what we’re talking about here. If you want to write legitimate, believable reviews that attract search engine attention, increase traffic and build your reputation as an influencer and thought leader, here’s how to do it – complete with a template […]
How to Reduce Blog Spam and Increase Quality Comments
Google says that a healthy, active online community is one of the signals they look for to determine your blog’s quality. Comments are considered part of your content, so the better they are, the better your blog does in search results. The problem is, of course, that a lot of comments are either spam or […]
Have a Mission, and the People Will Follow
Rosa Parks was a woman, a relatively ordinary black passenger on a bus going into town one day in 1955. At this time, black people had to give up their seats on public transport for the white passenger; a rule that most followed to keep the peace. But not Rosa. One day, she had had […]