Million Bucks Business is the domain of the site “Home Business Ideas And Opportunities that creates blog posts of new and helpful content for people who are looking to start a business online.
Yes, you can work like a horse, make all kinds of big plans, stay up late and get up early. But if your head isn’t in the right place, you’ll never get ahead. It’s really that simple.
A second job? Forget about it. Unless that second job is digging gold bricks out of the ground, you’ll never get ahead. Lack of sleep, lack of a life, an abundance of stress, poor eating – the last thing you need is a second job.
And you know it. It’s why you’ve got your own online business or you’re starting one. So is mindset even important? Shouldn’t you be concentrating exclusively on the mechanics of your business?
The fact is this: Without the proper mindset, the mechanics really won’t amount to much. If you don’t believe you can do something then the odds of you actually accomplishing it are slim. And if you do momentarily succeed, your own self-sabotage will reverse that victory in a hurry.
Here then are 5 money mindset hacks you MUST have to permanently increase your income in a dramatic, gratifying fashion:
Believe in yourself and your abilities.
To say this is key is an understatement. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will actively find ways to fail, whether you realize you’re doing it or not.
We all deal with being vulnerable, feeling uncertain and fearing failure. But you’ve got to trust that by moving forward despite these feelings, you’ll figure it out. It’s a matter of stacking small victories one on top of the other. Each victory should give you some small boost in confidence that you can use to earn the next victory, and so forth.
This is why having a big hairy goal often doesn’t work – you don’t believe you can accomplish it because you’ve never done anything like it before. But if you break that big hairy goal down into tiny simple goals, and then accomplish them one by one, soon you will believe that yes, you truly can do anything you set your mind to.
Lose your money blocks.
If you’re perpetually short of money, you’ve likely been programmed to have a negative relationship with it. During your childhood you heard things like, “Rich people are crooks,” and “Money is the root of all evil.”
Two things you can do to lose your money blocks are…
Reprogram yourself. The subconscious believes whatever it hears over and over again. To reprogram your subconscious takes work, but it’s worth it. When you think, “I have to work hard to make money,” correct yourself with a statement such as, “It is so easy and fun to earn money.” Choose 2 or 3 positive affirmations and turn them into mantras that you say to yourself throughout your day and as you fall asleep.
Find friends who are good at making money. Connect with others who are on the same entrepreneurial path you’re on. Talking to, relating to and being around people who easily make money will help you to see it’s alright for you to make money as well.
Declutter your life.
This one is simple – if you have a lot of useless stuff lying around your office, your home and your car, you don’t have room for the abundance you’re seeking. You don’t have room to grow. Money loves speed, clarity and clear space. It hates clutter. Get rid of everything in your life that serves no purpose and organize the rest.
Be ever so grateful.
Let go of resentments. Forgive positively everybody of everything, with no exceptions. Holding resentments only hurts yourself – it doesn’t hurt the person you refuse to forgive. And be grateful for everything you have in your life, as well as those things about to come into your life.
Forgive yourself for your financial past.
The person you most need to forgive is yourself. And you might have to do it over and over again. Forgiveness is a funny thing – today you forgive yourself, tomorrow you’re berating yourself again for the less-than-wise decisions you made.
Any time you find yourself beating yourself up, forgive yourself. You did the best you could at the time. Remind yourself that the past can never be undone, and you can’t live there, either. But you do have today, so make it count.
Now, most readers will nod their heads at what they just read and forget about it. But a few – perhaps you – will take this advice to heart and begin making the changes necessary to realize your financial goals.
For you, this could be the start of a whole new financial life – one of abundance.
If you’re like many online marketers, you might think the key to success is having a huge list of subscribers and tons of customers. And of course, both of these things are good…
But if each customer only buys from you one time, then much of your time, energy and resources will be spent on forever finding and selling new customers.
If, however, you can increase how often each customer buys from you, then you can make more sales while doing far less prospecting.
For example, imagine if each customer buys from you 6 or 8 times instead of once. And imagine if you only have to sell them once for this to happen…
… you can begin to see the power of subscription payments.
And it gets even better…
– Because your average customer value is higher, you can actually afford to ‘buy’ new customers through targeted and tested ad campaigns. This literally takes the ceiling off of your income.
– People who buy from you on a subscription basis are much more likely to buy other products from you as well.
– You can spend far less time hunting for new customers, and more time cultivating the customers you already have.
– You continue to get paid until the customer does something to stop these payments. It takes effort on their part to overcome their own inertia and figure out how to unsubscribe. Often it’s easier for them to put it off, sometimes for months and even years.
– If the service or product you’re selling brings a tremendous amount of value, they’re not going to want to cancel. Ever.
– You have an excellent idea from month to month of what your income will be. You’ve got financial stability. You can plan ahead.
Continuity products can be clubs, memberships, subscriptions, software and so forth. It’s a product or service that the customer subscribes to, usually on a monthly basis.
As an affiliate, you receive a percentage of the sale each month as the customer renews. As a continuity product owner, you receive payments as long as the customer stays subscribed. You receive full payments if you made the initial sale and partial payments if your affiliate made the initial sale.
Some of the best continuity programs for affiliates involve a service or subscription that is a valuable part of the customer’s business. For example, if someone is making money with their list, they’re not going to give up their autoresponder. Some marketers make ongoing 4 and 5 figure payments each month from just one of these continuity programs, such as Aweber.
Other marketers start their own continuity program and find financial security within months and sometimes even just weeks.
A huge weight is taken off your shoulders when you KNOW that next month “X” number of dollars will be coming in, even if you don’t sell anything new. And you can use that money not only to live on, but also to reinvest into your business such as advertising to drive more customers onto your lists, where you guide them into more continuity in your quest to help them and accelerate your early retirement.
This is super easy and can be done by most anyone trying to get into the Internet marketing arena. In fact, I know people who make $5,000 and more (sometimes a lot more) just about every time they do this.
Your results, of course, may vary.
Here’s what you do…
Find a good WordPress plugin with PLR rights. It needs to come with a license that allows you to make any changes you want to it, along with the source code. You’ll find lots of these in PLR membership sites.
Google the plugin and find out what bugs it has (if any.) People will tend to complain on forums about plugin problems, so this should be easy to research. Make note of any bugs.
Now get creative. Look at your plugin and ask yourself what change or addition you could make that would improve the plugin. It just needs to be one thing that truly makes it your own unique plugin.
And it needs to be something buyers will appreciate having.
Once you have this, go to Upwork and get a quote for what it will cost to make the change to the plugin, as well as fix any issue it has. $300 or so is fairly typical unless there is a major issue.
If it’s not super expensive, get the work done. If it is super expensive, go get another plugin and start over.
Tell your coder to also rename the plugin to the name of your choosing.
Pay for a professional looking e-cover and register a domain name.
Write your sales copy and put your new plugin on Warrior Special Offers or JVZoo.
Plugins tend to sell really well. Gather the names of all of your buyers and let them know you’ll alert them when your next plugin comes out.
Rinse and repeat.
Yes, it really is this easy. Your first time you might have a few questions and challenges to work through. Like anything else, there is a learning curve. But this is one of the fastest ways you can start making serious money online very quickly, and if you take action now you could be pulling in your very first WordPress plugin profits within the next few weeks!
A lot of people think that to be a coach or consultant, you must have built a few million dollar businesses and have a ton of experience under your belt. Not true.
To sell coaching services, you have to be really good at ONE thing. Just one.
It’s up to you what that one thing is.
Maybe you have a unique traffic system. Or you’re really good at guest blog posting. Or you can make videos that set people’s hair on fire.
Whatever your one thing is, if you’re good at it, there are people out there that want you to show them what you know. And they don’t just want a 20 page pdf or even a set of videos.
They want one-on-one HELP.
And that’s where you come in.
True, in the beginning you might charge lower prices for your coaching.
But as soon as you can show you get results not just for yourself, but also for others, it’s time to raise your fees.
And don’t even let anyone tell you that you can’t coach. Don’t even let you tell you that.
People need your help. It’s selfish not to offer it.
It is a win/win for both you and your new clients to get them off to a fast start. Leverage your knowledge to help others, grow your business and create a new income stream through coaching.
A man sets out on a journey of a lifetime. The problem is, he doesn’t know where he wants to go. So he spends the next 40 years wandering the back roads, never really going anywhere. Another man chooses his destination. It’s a promised land, far, far away. The dangers he faces along the route are great and the challenges seem almost insurmountable. Yet because he knows where he wants to go, he is able to find his way, overcome the challenges and reach his destination, where he retires in 10 years’ time.
One man didn’t know where he was going, and so he wandered for 40 years and achieved nothing.
The other man knew exactly where he wanted to go, and because of his belief and determination, he was able to overcome every obstacle and reach his destination in 10 years.
Which person are you?
Most people won’t define what they want until they have clarity on how they will get there. But because they don’t know what they want, they don’t have the clarity, and thus end up doing nothing.
That’s why you’ve got to decide first what it is that you want, and be totally clear on what that is. Write it down in detail. Only then will you figure out how to get to where you want to go.
One more thing: Once you begin your journey, take time every single day to revisit your goal.
Just like a builder continually consults the building plans, you should continually go over your goal so that your subconscious mind knows exactly what it should be doing to get you to where you want to go.
This will also help you avoid time wasting activities that you don’t need.
Advanced Tip: Measure what you treasure.
Whatever your goal might be, take daily measurements of how you’re doing.
For example, if your goal is to reach a certain income level, you’ll want to track your profits daily.
If your goal is to exercise and eat right, you’ll want to keep a journal of everything you eat and every exercise you perform.
Whatever your goal might be, measure what you treasure and you will get more of what it is that you want in life.
This Is Your Why? If You Can Visualize Your Goal You Will Reach It!
I recently asked a group of marketers this question: “When you send an email to your list, what’s your #1 goal?” The answers I received were revealing.
Some of the answers I got were…
– To get readers to open it – To get readers to READ it – To give some useful info – To build rapport – To sell a product
Those are all good answers…
But they’re also all WRONG answers.
Of course you want them to open the email, read the email, build some rapport, maybe give some useful info, but none of these are your primary objective.
So what is?
To get the CLICK.
That’s it.
Everything else is simply in support of that #1 goal, getting them to click the link you send to them.
Ideally, you want to train your list to click your links like (pardon me here) mind-numb robots.
You want them to click automatically – without thinking – because it’s what they always do when they open your emails.
You don’t need to sell the product – the sales page or video you send them to should do that for you.
You don’t need to tell them everything about the blog post you’re sending them to – the post will do that for you.
Your job is simply to get the click.
So how can you improve your click-through rate?
1. Give great information. People will like you and TRUST you if you give them great info that helps them. Clicking the link is just a natural extension of that.
2. Show them the ‘what’ but not the ‘how.’ You might give them a really useful tip on what drives super targeted traffic, but to learn how to do it they need to click the link. And yes, that link goes to a product you want them to buy. You haven’t sold the product in the email, but you have sold them on the method. The product is simply an easy shortcut to using that method to get the result.
3. Don’t always send them to sales letters; send them to fun stuff, too. Show them your blog posts, your videos and even other people’s stuff now and then. Did you see a video on YouTube that taught you something really valuable or made you laugh out loud? Try sharing it with your list. Remember, you want to get them in the habit of automatically clicking your links. And giving them rewards when they do, like useful information or a good laugh, will teach them to do just that.
4. Now and then surprise them with a free product. Your email tells them a method to list build using Facebook. Then you send them to a link that will give them 5 more list building methods. And when they click the link, they see a very short sales page offering the product for FREE. How much do you think they love you right now? And what are the odds they will click more of your links in the future, just in case there’s another free product on the other side?
Of course, your list and your niche may call for slightly different methods. But bottom line, your primary, number one goal of email marketing is ALWAYS to get the click.
Because the more trained your list is to click, the more money you will make in the long run.
This one is so simple, yet diabolically effective… When you first introduce a new product to your list or your blog readers, do you simply pop a link on there with a line of text and hope they click? Of course not. You introduce the product. You tell them what’s good about it, how you use it, why it can change their business or help them achieve their goal, etc.
In other words, you’re introducing the product and warming up your readers BEFORE you send them to the sales page.
Now here’s the mistake I see marketers making all the time…
… when they first introduce the product, they take the time to do everything we just said.
And they make sales.
Then later they decide to promote the product again, only this time they forget a crucial step.
They slap that affiliate link or product link up on social media and figure people will click it and buy the product.
But they don’t click.
Why not? Because there’s no introduction to entice them to click and learn more.
So here’s what you do…
Take the copy you wrote in that email or post that introduces the product, and give it a page of its own on your site. Add your affiliate link or sales link to the bottom.
Now when you advertise the product on social media and other venues, send visitors to your intro page first.
I’ve seen this simple technique increase conversions 4 fold. Use it!
You’re familiar with how lead magnets usually work – you offer visitors a report or some other incentive for joining your list. Depending on your traffic source and the strength of your offer, your opt-in rate could be anything from almost non-existent to 30% or more.
Here’s the problem – EVERYONE and their uncle is offering some type of incentive to get people to join their lists. And because of this, visitors have become more and more cautious about giving away their email address.
So what can you do to increase and possibly even DOUBLE your opt-in rate?
Change things up a bit, like this:
Step 1: Create a dynamite lead magnet with great information on how to do something. For example, maybe it’s a case study: “How Janis Smythe made $4,294 in 12 days using XXX technique.”
If you’re just starting out and you need a case study to use, start Googling. Don’t forget to let the person know you’re doing a case study on them, because in this case you really should get permission first.
Or omit the names and fictionalize the personal details. That works, too.
Step 2: Write an excellent sales page. Yes, you’re giving the report away, but you still need to entice people into wanting it.
Step 3: At the bottom of the page, and perhaps to the right as well, put a download button. That’s right – no opt-in form at this point, just a ‘download it now’ button.
Step 4: Split your report into two sections. The first section is the introduction and overview. What they’ll need to do, how much money they can make and the success they can have, and so forth.
Don’t make direct promises, of course. Follow legal guidelines.
The second half of the report is the payoff, the actual technique and how to do it step-by-step.
On the bottom of the first section, tell the readers that the step-by-step blueprint is in Part 2.
Sneaky, right?
It gets better:
Place TWO links on the last page of the first section – one where they pay $17 to buy the second half of the report…
And a second link where they get the report for FREE in exchange for their email address.
Both links go to the same web page.
Step 5: Create the web page for the second half of the report. Give them the option to pay $17 and the option to get it in exchange for their email address.
You should get extremely high opt-ins using this method. Having the payment button there makes it look like they are getting an extremely good deal by giving you their email address.
And oddly enough, once in a while someone will actually pay for the second half of the report.
There you have it… a proven way to supercharge your opt-ins and grow your business online! Now take this knowledge and put it to use!
You might think the best way to make sales in the online marketing field is to promise a lot of money for very little effort. After all, we see these products that promise you’ll rake in the dough simply by tapping your toes three times and whispering you want to get rich.
Those kind of pie-in-the-sky promises may make for great fairy tales, but frankly your average Joe isn’t buying it.
You know what people say (and believe)… “If it sounds too good to be true, it generally is.”
The fact is, there are folks who make hundreds of thousands of dollars online each year.
Some do it each month.
A few do it each DAY.
So just because it sounds too good to be true doesn’t make it so. But it will scare away a lot of buyers, because they don’t believe THEY can make a ton of money from home.
And those programs that promise the moon for a few clicks? Their refund rates tend to be in the 50% range. Ouch. Plus you’ve got to wonder how well they sleep at night.
So what’s the counterintuitive approach to increasing your conversions in the make money online / internet marketing field?
It’s simple, really.
Tell them they’re going to have to WORK.
Tell them they’re going to have to put in an EFFORT.
And the results they get will depend on what they actually DO.
Obviously any business is going to take work. But if you don’t TELL them it will take work, they will likely mistake you for a scam.
So be honest and open about how much effort it will take. Doing so, you’ll find your products not only sell well, they will also continue to sell for a long time to come.
Have you ever wondered how working from home could transform your daily life, especially in the vast and diverse landscape of Canada? With the rise of remote work, many have traded their daily commutes and office attire for the comfort of home offices and flexible schedules. As you explore the benefits of working from home, you’ll uncover why it’s becoming more popular across the Great White North.
Advantages of Working from Home
Flexibility and Work-Life Balance
One of the primary advantages of working from home is the incredible flexibility it offers. You have the freedom to create a schedule that suits your lifestyle, which can significantly enhance your work-life balance. This flexibility is especially beneficial in Canada, where time zones and seasons can vary drastically. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, working from home allows you to structure your day according to your peak productivity hours, giving you more control over your personal and professional life.
Cost Savings
By working from home, you can save money that would otherwise be spent on commuting, work attire, and daily meals. The cost of transportation in Canada, especially in urban centers, can add up quickly. Additionally, the ability to prepare meals at home can lead to healthier and more economical choices. These savings can then be redirected toward other interests or necessities, creating an added financial benefit.
Increased Productivity
Many people find that they are more productive when they work from home. The absence of typical office distractions and long commutes can lead to better focus and efficiency. This is particularly true in the quiet rural areas of Canada, where natural surroundings can boost concentration and creativity. A tailored work environment can also enhance your productivity, allowing you to complete tasks more efficiently.
Environmental Impact
Working from home is also beneficial for the environment. Reduced commuting means lower carbon emissions, which is a significant consideration in Canada—a country known for its vast natural beauty and commitment to sustainability. Remote work supports the reduction of traffic congestion and pollution, contributing to a cleaner environment.
Compensation for Remote Work in Canada
Understanding Remote Salaries
You might wonder about the financial aspects of working from home in Canada and if it affects your salary. The truth is, many employers offer comparable salaries for remote positions as they do for on-site roles. According to a report by Statistics Canada, remote workers often have salaries similar to those of their on-site counterparts, depending on the industry and role. However, there are disparities based on the type of work. For instance, IT and tech-related remote positions often secure higher salaries compared to administrative jobs.
Average Income of Remote Workers
In Canada, the average income for remote workers varies significantly by profession. Based on data from the Canadian government, remote jobs in fields like software development and digital marketing can see annual salaries ranging from CAD 50,000 to CAD 100,000 or more. On the other hand, roles such as virtual customer service representatives or freelance writers may earn between CAD 30,000 to CAD 60,000 annually. This variance highlights the importance of industry-specific research when considering remote work opportunities.
Given the pandemic’s influence on work modalities, many are curious whether the trend of remote work will continue. While some companies in Canada are returning to traditional office settings, many are choosing to retain remote or hybrid models. According to a 2023 survey by the Canadian Workforce Initiative, approximately 30% of Canadian employees were still working from home, suggesting a significant shift towards permanent remote work arrangements in various sectors.
Hybrid Work Models
A significant trend emerging is the hybrid work model, where employees split their time between the office and home. This model offers the best of both worlds: face-to-face collaboration and remote convenience. For many companies and employees in Canada, this is becoming the new norm, offering flexibility while maintaining a physical presence when necessary.
The Biggest Benefit of Working Remotely
Enhanced Personal Well-being
Probably the most significant benefit of working from home is the positive impact on personal well-being. The freedom to tailor your work environment, coupled with the added time for personal pursuits, leads to a happier and healthier lifestyle. With the chance to work in a stress-free environment, many Canadians report higher job satisfaction and less burnout.
Opportunities for Professional Growth
Remote work also opens doors to a broader range of professional opportunities. Without geographical constraints, you can apply to positions across Canada and even internationally. This eliminates the need to relocate for your dream job and allows you to pursue roles that align with your career aspirations more closely.
New Work Rules in Canada
Changes in Workplace Legislation
As remote work becomes more common, Canadian workplace laws are adapting to protect employees’ rights. In recent years, there have been updates to labor standards, focusing on remote work guidelines. These changes include ensuring equitable treatment concerning salary, benefits, and working hours, regardless of an employee’s physical work location.
Support for Remote Work
Governments and organizations across Canada are investing in remote work support. This includes providing resources for setting up home offices and offering technology subsidies to ensure all employees can work effectively from home. These initiatives aim to create a more stable and supportive remote work environment.
Will We Ever Go Back to the Office Full Time?
The Future of Work
It’s a question on many minds: will Canadians ever return to working in an office full-time? While some industries might maintain traditional office roles, the overall trend seems to be moving towards more flexible work arrangements. Statistics Canada data shows a continued preference for remote work among employees, suggesting that a full-time return to the office is unlikely for many.
Adapting to Changing Work Norms
Given the demonstrated success of remote and hybrid work models, many companies in Canada have revamped their operational strategies to incorporate long-term remote work options. This shift acknowledges the clear benefits and increased job satisfaction many employees experience when working from home.
Twenty Benefits of Working from Home in Canada
Flexibility in Working Hours: Customize your schedule to suit your lifestyle better.
Reduced Commute Time: Save time and energy by eliminating daily travel.
Improved Work-Life Balance: Better integration of personal and professional life.
Cost Savings on Transportation: Save money by not commuting.
Less Office Distraction: Increased productivity and focus.
Eco-friendly: Lower carbon footprint by reducing travel.
Customized Workspace: Tailor your office to your needs.
Access to a Wider Talent Pool: Employers can hire talent from across the country.
Inclusive Employment Opportunities: People with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities have greater work access.
Increased Job Satisfaction: More freedom leads to happier employees.
Greater Autonomy: Control over how and when to work.
Pets as Coworkers: Enjoy your furry friends’ company while you work.
Opportunity for Healthier Living: More time to cook and exercise.
Potential for Greater Earnings: Reduced costs can lead to net financial gain.
No Dress Code: Wear what makes you comfortable.
Enhanced Focus Time: Design your schedule around peak concentration periods.
Greater Diversity & Inclusion: Reach more diverse candidates without geographic limitations.
More Time With Family: Flexibility allows for better family integration.
Opportunity for Rural Living: Work from picturesque locations across Canada.
Fewer Multi-tasking Demands: Concentrate on one task at a time in a controlled environment.
As you’ve just explored, the benefits of working from home in Canada are multifaceted and impactful. From personal well-being to environmental advantages, remote work is reshaping how Canadians approach their professional lives. As the trend towards flexible work arrangements continues, it’s clear that the future of work in Canada is both adaptable and promising, presenting numerous opportunities for both employees and employers. Whether the traditional office will become obsolete remains unclear, but one thing is certain: remote work is here to stay, offering its unique set of benefits and challenges.